Pegah Golchian

  • since 11/2022: Doctoral Student Machine Learning, Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science, Universität Bremen
  • 04/2019-03/2022: M.Sc. Mathematics, Universität Bremen
  • 02/2019-07/2019: Exchange Semester, Universidade de Coimbra
  • 08/2018-01/2019: Exchange Semester, Stockholms Universitet
  • 10/2013-03/2019: B.Sc. Industrial Mathematics, Universität Bremen
Work Experience
  • Since 04/2022: Doctoral Research Fellow, BIPS
  • 09-10/2017&2019: Student Assistant, Universität Bremen
  • 04/2016-05/2018: Student Assistant, ISEMP - Integrative Simulation and Engineering of Materials and Processes

Missing data imputation methods for tree-based machine learning models

  • Best Talk Award
    Deutsche Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft, gesponsort durch Taylor & Francis/CRC Press (2024)
    Beste Präsentation auf dem 70. Biometrischen Kolloquium

The responsibility for the content of this page lies with Pegah Golchian.


+49 (0)421 218-56-790