In May 2024, Sarah Forberger was accepted into the ISBNPA's Building Future Leaders Program. This international program aims to develop future leaders in the field of behavioral and nutritional research and provide them with extensive training and networking opportunities.
Pegah Golchian was awarded the prestigious prize for the best presentation at the 70th Biometric Colloquium for her outstanding presentation. Her presentation, entitled "Adversarial Random Forests for the Imputation of Missing Values", convinced the jury and enabled her to win the prize alongside four other participants.
Rajini Nagrani joined the Developing Leadership Program of the Leibniz Leadership Academy in December 2023. This program, awarded by the Leibniz Association, aims to strengthen the effectiveness of leaders within the Leibniz Association and provides specific training and resources to develop leadership skills.
Sarina Schwarz received a travel grant from the United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Week in October 2023. The scholarship supports young professionals in the field of gastroenterology and promotes the best clinical-scientific abstracts submitted by young researchers with the aim of enabling their participation in this important conference.
Annika Swenne, Master's student, received the Bernd Streitberg Prize of the German Region of the International Biometric Society in September 2023 for the best Master's thesis entitled "Confounder Adjustment with Random Forests Based on Local Residuals in Genetic Association Studies".
Sarah Forberger has been supported by the Leibniz Academy for Executives since July 2023. This Leibniz Association program supports managers in further developing their skills and abilities in order to successfully master the challenges in management positions.
In May 2023, Heide Busse was accepted into the Leibniz Mentoring Program to support highly qualified young female scientists on their way to a professorship or other leadership position. This program is part of the Leibniz Association's initiatives to promote future female leaders in science.
Prof. Dr. Vanessa Didelez, deputy head of the Department Biometry and Data Management and head of the Research Group Statistical Methods for Causal Inference was in May 2022 invited participant of the “Simons Institute Program on Causality” invited by the University of California, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, USA.
Dr. Ronja Foraita, head of the Statistical Methods for Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Unit received the Best Poster Award by the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat) in March 2022.
Jantje Goerdten and Li Yuan received the Best Poster Award by the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) in September 2022.
Dr. Achim Reineke, head of the IT, Data Management and Medical Documentation Unit received the Award for Special Merits in Supporting the Epidemiological Research awarded by the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) in September 2022.
Dr. Dorothea Schönbach received the YERUN Research Mobility Award, awarded by the Young European Research Universities (YERUN) in September 2022.
Dr. Tilman Brand, Head of the Social Epidemiology Unit, was able to take part in the Leadership Development Program of the Leibniz Leadership Academy of the Leibniz Association in October 2021.
Stefanie Do received a scholarship to attend a summer school in February 2021.
Dr. Rajini Nagrani and Dr. Katharina Platzbecker were mentees of the Leibniz Mentoring Program for Outstanding Women Scientists, awarded by the Leibniz Association, in June 2021.
At the end of October Prof. Dr. Ulrike Haug, Head of the Department of Clinical Epidemiology at the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, was awarded the „Vision-Zero Award“ of the Network against Colorectal Cancer e.V. The award ceremony took place during the digital conference „Vision Zero. The New Survey of Oncology“.
The Rector of the University of Rzeszów (Poland) awarded Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ahrens the grand medal of his university at the beginning of October. He thanked them for their excellent cooperation, especially in the field of child health research.
In September, Dr. Oliver Scholle won the „Spotlight Poster Award 2020“ in the „Pediatrics“ category. The winning poster is entitled „Changes in Early Life Exposure to Antibiotics: A Comparison of Birth Cohorts Based on German Claims Data“.
Beate Schütte: Award for Special Merits in Supporting Epidemiological Research awarded by the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi), September 2019
Katja Anita Oppelt and Oliver Scholle: ICPE Scholarship for attending the 35th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management in Philadelphia, PA, USA, awarded by the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, August 2019
Iris Pigeot: Award for Outstanding Doctoral Supervision awarded by the University of Bremen, July 2019
Rajini Nagrani: Munshi Ram Jain Cancer Scholar Award awarded by the Cancer Research Foundation of India (CRFI) for her PhD work, February 2019
Wolfgang Ahrens, Claudia Börnhorst, Iris Pigeot: 1st prize in “Oral communication modality in the area of metabolism” awarded by the European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) for his oral presentation “Trajectories of overweight and metabolic syndrome in the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort” during the 28th Annual Congress of the European Childhood Obesity Group in Porto, Portugal, November 2018
Leonie Helen Bogl, Wolfgang Ahrens, Hannah Jilanihttps://www.bips-institut.de/kontakt/personal/wissenschaftliche-mitarbeiter.html?MAid=622: President's award for an outstanding prevention science research paper awarded by the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) for the paper “Mehlig K, Bogl L-H, Hunsberger M, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Iguacel I, Jilani H, Molnar D, Pala V, Russo P, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Kaprio J, Lissner L. Children's propensity to consume sugar and fat predicts regular alcohol consumption in adolescence. Public Health Nutr. 2018;21(17):3202-3209.”, October 2018
Christoph Buck: Shared 1st prize in the ISPAHackathon 2018 challenge in “Compositional data analysis of physical activity and health data” within the framework of the ISPAHACK 2018 (Advanced Data Analysis Workshop & Data Challenge, official satellite meeting of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH)), Glasgow, October 2018
Sinja Alexandra Ernst: Promotionspreis 2018 [thesis award 2018] awarded by the Qualitätsinitiative Deutschland [Quality Initiative Germany] for her dissertation “Routinemäßige Versorgung und gesundheitliche Ungleichheit von Schwangeren und Säuglingen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund” [Routine healthcare and health inequality in pregnant women and infants with and without migration background], September 2018
Susann Grillhttps://www.bips-institut.de/kontakt/personal/wissenschaftliche-mitarbeiter.html?MAid=911: GMDS Förderpreis 2018 [promotional award 2018] awarded by the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) for her Master’s thesis “Assessing consistency of subgroup specific treatment effects in clinical trials with binary endpoints” in the field of medical biometry, September 2018
In September 2017, Stefanie Helmer received the third place of the Stephan-Weiland-Prize 2017 from the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi).
Wiebke Schäfer was granted a ICPE Scholarship 2017 awarded by the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (Attending and actively participating in the 33rd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management in Montreal, Canada, as junior researcher, free of charge), May 2017
Till Seuring received the Student Prize for Second Best Paper awarded by the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) for his paper entitled "The relationship between diabetes, employment status and behavioural risk factors: An application of marginal structural models and fixed effects to Chinese panel data" (not yet published), March 2017
In December 2016, Ulrike Haug was awarded the Colorectal Cancer Prevention Award for 2016 by the German Cancer Society for her study on the application of quantitative immunochemical fecal occult blood tests in colorectal cancer screening.
For her research, Hannah Jilani received the research prize for young sensory analysts for 2016 from the German Society for Sensor Technology in October 2016.
In September 2016, BIPS has been appointed as a Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention, Nutrition and Physical Activity of the World Health Organization (WHO).
In September 2016, Sinja Alexandra Ernst was awarded the poster prize 2016 by the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) and the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS).
In August 2016, Melanie Böckmann received the dissertation prize of the German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP).
In July 2016, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) awarded Vanessa Didelez the IMS Medallion Lecture 2016 for major contributions to the research field of statistics and probability calculations.
In March 2016, Moritz Hanke was invited to hold a lecture at the Young Statistics Session of the 61st Biometric Colloquium by the German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR).
In February 2016, BIPS was recognized as a “Family Friendly Institute of the State of Bremen” by the Senator for Economy, Labor and Ports of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and the association “Impulsgeber Zukunft”.
In January 2016, Moritz Hanke was awarded the departmental prize of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bremen for 2015 for his Master’s thesis in biometry.
In October 2015, Sabine Bohn received the "Springer Best Masters 2015" award from the Springer publishing house for her Master’s thesis.
In September 2015, Christoph Buck received a poster prize from the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi).
In September 2015, Carsten Schröder received the Stephan-Weiland-Prize 2015 from the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi).
In September 2015, the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) awarded Andres Luque Ramos the GMDS Award for Epidemiology for his Bachelor’s thesis.
In June 2015 the Leibniz Association accepted Claudia Börnhorst into the Leibniz Mentoring Programme.
In December 2014, the EU project CommNet awarded the I.Family study the Impact Award for its commitment to young people.
In March 2014, Maike Tahden was invited to hold a lecture at the Young Statistics Session of the 60th Biometric Colloquium by the German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR).