We cooperate closely with the University of Bremen in the area of Bachelor's and Master's programs. As the professors at BIPS were appointed together with the University of Bremen, BIPS is actively involved in the planning and implementation of the university curriculum. BIPS was instrumental in instituting the "Master of Science in Epidemiology" in department 11 "Human and Health Sciences" which started in the winter term 2014/2015. Previously, the "Master of Science in Medical Biometry / Biostatistics" was established in department 3 "Mathematics and Computer Science" in a similar fashion. In addition, BIPS scientists lecture as guests at other universities in Germany including Mainz, Hamburg, Bielefeld, Hanover, Berlin, and Heidelberg.
University professors working at BIPS:
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Ahrens; professor of epidemiological methods at department 3 of the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. Krasimira Aleksandrova; professor of methods of molecular epidemiology with a focus on child and adolescent health at department 11 of the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Vanessa Didelez; professor of statistics with a focus on theory and methods in causality research at department 3 of the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. Daniela Fuhr; professor of implementation research and evidence-based prevention at department 11 of the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. Sc. Hum. Ulrike Haug; professor of clinical epidemiology and pharmacological epidemiology at department 11 of the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Iris Pigeot; professor of statistics with a focus on biometrics and methods of epidemiology at department 3 of the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. rer. hum. biol. Marvin N. Wright; professor of machine learning in statistics at department 3 of the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. med. Hajo Zeeb; professor of epidemiology with a focus on prevention and evaluation at department 11 of the University of Bremen