Cassandra Ama Omane

Current project: HealthyW8 HealthyW8 aims to prevent overweight and obesity through a multidisciplinary approach that combines interventions in the areas of nutrition, physical activity and psycho-emotional aspects. The project focuses on windows of opportunity in the lives of people at high risk of developing overweight and obesity, such as school-age children, young adults and elderly people. To this end, a healthy lifestyle recommendation system based on digital technology will be developed that adapts interventions to individual needs and preferences. The project brings together 24 partners from 9 EU countries.n)
Professional experience since 01/2024: PhD student at BIPS in the HealthyW8 project
03/2023 - 12/2023: Research assistant (BQS Institute)
10/2022 - 02/2023: Business Analyst (Capgemini)
03/2021 - 09/2022: Working Student & Internship (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf)
10/2019 - 02/2021: Speech therapist (Mediplus Hamburg)
06/2018 - 09/2019: Project employee (Lohfert & Lohfert AG)
Educational pathway 10/2020 - 09/2022: M. Sc. Public Health (Hannover Medical School)
10/2016 - 09/2020: B. Sc. and state exam in speech therapy (Medical School Hamburg)
10/2012 - 03/2016: B. A. English & Religious Studies (University of Hamburg)

  • Health Literacy
  • Health Communication
  • Science Communication
  • Qualitative Research
  • Migration and Health

The responsibility for the content of this page lies with Cassandra Ama Omane.


+49 (0)421 218-56-925