
570 results:
Search results 91 until 100 of 570
91. [Head of Unit] Dr. Bianca Kollhorst   2003-2008: studies mathematics/diploma, University Oldenburg 2008: diploma mathematics 2008-2010: statistician at SCIderm GmbH Hamburg Since December 2010: BIPS: research…  
92. [Staff member] Dennis Kutz  
URL: /en/contact/staff.html
Date: 01-01-70
93. [Faculty member] Niklas Koenen   2015-2018: studies mathematics at the University of Bremen (B.Sc.) 2018-2021: studies mathematics at the University of Bremen (M.Sc.) Since February 2021: Research Associate at BIPS  
94. [Staff member] Alexander Knaust   since 2011 Lawyer, syndic for the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS 2014 - 2016 Studies in Clinical Psychology at the University of Bremen, achieved university…  
97. [Faculty member] Josephine Kanbach   - since May 2021: Research associate at the Lebniz-Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology- BIPS - 2018- 2021: M.Sc. Epidemiology, University of Bremen - 2015- 2018: B.A. Public…  
99. [Faculty member] Dr. Timm Intemann   Since January 2023 Operational project manager of the Cross-departmental Center for Research Data Infrastructure and Data Science in Epidemiology July 2020PhD degree at the University of…  
Search results 91 until 100 of 570