Promotion of healthy nutrition in day care facilities of the protestant church in Bremen


The aim of the training measures and specialist advice provided by BIPS is to ensure that children's nutritional needs are met in daycare facilities and to support the development of balanced eating habits in children in terms of health promotion. In addition, the focus is on conscious nutrition in daycare centers in terms of climate protection.
Both aspects - health and climate - are reflected in the two nutritional concepts completed in 2023, which were developed in a participatory process with domestic and educational specialists from the daycare centers as well as specialist consultants from the Landesverband Ev. Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder in Bremen:
1. Landesverband Ev. Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder in Bremen (ed.) and Atens-Kahlenberg W von, Döring A, Horn A, Meyer-Radmacher U, Sarbak C, Schmohel K, Siegert S (authors) (2023).
"Healthy and fresh on the table." Quality standards and recommendations for catering in the day-care centers of the Bremen Protestant Church.
2. Landesverband Ev. Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder in Bremen (ed.) and Atens-Kahlenberg W von, Döring A, Horn A, Winterboer M, Böhncke S (authors) (2023).
"Come on, let's have breakfast." Concept for Breakfast for the Day Care Centers of the Bremische Evangelische Kirche. If you are interested in the nutritional concepts, please contact the Landesverband Ev. Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder in Bremen at landesverband@kirche-

Funding period

Begin:   January 2012
End:   December 2024


  • Regional Association of Daycare Centres of the Protestant Church of Bremen


 Wiebke von Atens-Kahlenberg