Health promotion and capacity building with migrants for migrants


The nationwide “For Migrants with Migrants” (MiMi) health initiative has taken on the task to advance the health literacy of migrants using culturally-sensitive knowledge transfer in native language. In information events to raise awareness, intercultural mediators will provide information to migrants about the German health sector and its primary and secondary prevention services, such as child and maternal health, vaccination, mental health and healthy aging. The aim of the initiative is to promote migrants’ health, strengthen their healthy behavior as well as to support their integration into the German healthcare system. This aim is to be achieved via empowerment and nationwide capacity building for self-help, i.e. the training of intercultural health mediators, information campaigns in native language, dissemination of multilingual guides as well as public relations measures (conferences, media activities, and handouts).

The BIPS accompanies the MiMi – initiative via a formative, continuous external evaluation. The aim of the evaluation is to monitor the implementation progress and to identify impeding and beneficial factors of program implementation so as to support the adjustment of the measures and implementation strategies in the course of the implementation process. Instruments for quality assurance and evaluation of the trainings and information events include qualitative (focus group discussions) as well as quantitative measures (surveys).

Funding period

Begin:   September 2017
End:   December 2019


  • Federal Ministry of Health


Dr. phil. Tilman Brand

Project management (national)

Ramazan Salman, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V., Hannover, Deutschland