Counselling for alcohol problems during pregnancy


South Africa (SA) has the highest prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the world due to high alcohol consumption among pregnant women in this setting. The aim of CAP-PRE (Counselling for Alcohol Problems during Pregnancy) is to develop and evaluate a counselling intervention that reduces hazardous drinking levels among pregnant women in the setting. We will do so by conducting an individually-randomised pilot RCT to evaluate initial effectiveness of CAP-PRE. In parallell, we will conduct a qualitative process acceptability study and ethnographic observation to listen to women’s experiences regarding perceived effectiveness of CAP-PRE, and investigate barriers and facilitators to inform future scalability of CAP-PRE. The consortium comprises researchers from the Medical Research Council South Africa, the University of York, the Technical University of Munic and the Federal Centre for Health Education (BzGA) in Germany.

Funding period

Begin:   March 2024
End:   February 2026


  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


 Daniela Fuhr