Scientific and technical development of the DEVACHECK online platform for systematic planning and evaluation of health promotion and prevention interventions with a focus on physical activity


The platform has been available since the end of DEVACHECK 3.0 in April 2020. It is a free, user-friendly online platform designed to support practitioners in Germany in evaluating their projects and activities in the field of health promotion and prevention and to strengthen documentation.

The following core questions arise for the DEVACHECK 4.0 project:
(1) How can the development of a topic area (physical activity promotion for children and young people as well as adults of working age) complement and expand the existing DEVAVCHECK online platform in a meaningful way, tailored to user needs?
(2) be integrated into DEVACHECK in a technically sensible way and adapted to other areas in addition to the promotion of physical activity?
The following technical questions arise:
(3) What information technology requirements need to be created to ensure the expansion and integration of other services in the future?
With regard to the above questions, the following objectives of DEVACHECK 4.0 can be summarized:
1. thematic further development: Identification and user-friendly presentation of example projects in the area of promoting physical activity among children and young people (U18) and adults of working age (U65)
2. technical update and platform development, in preparation for a later scientific integration of WEPI into DEVACHECK
3. launch of DEVACHECK 4.0

Funding period

Begin:   November 2023
End:   December 2024


  • Federal Centre for Health Education


PD Dr. rer. medic Mirko Brandes