Bremen Colloquium Epidemiology - Public Health

Am Donnerstag, den 12. November 2020 hält Prof. Dr. Graham Moore (Centre for the Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer), Cardiff University in Wales) einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Adapting interventions for new contexts: the ADAPT guidance". Der Vortrag findet von 13:00 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr als Online-Veranstaltung statt.

Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte bei Dr. Heide Busse unter busse(at) an, die Zugangsdaten für die Videokonferenz senden wir Ihnen dann kurz vorher zu.

Abstract: A growing literature provides insights into which interventions work to improve population health. Using evidence-informed interventions beyond their original contexts may be more efficient than developing new interventions for each context. However, implementation and effects of interventions are often context dependent. Interventions transported without adaptation may be less effective than those adapted to achieve intervention-context fit. While the importance of appropriately adapting interventions is recognised, there is no overarching guidance for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, research funders and journal editors on how to adapt interventions. Where interventions fail to reproduce effects in a new context, it is hard to build understandings of why this was the case. The ADAPT study has developed new guidance via 3 interconnected work packages, with advice and guidance from an international advisory group. We undertook ii) a systematic review of guidance and a scoping review of how people undertake and report adaptations ii) qualitative interviews with researchers, funders, journal editors and policy and practice stakeholders involved in intervention adaptation; iii) a 3-round modified e-Delphi exercise. Findings were synthesised into a draft of this guidance document, discussed at a series of online workshops with participants in our Delphi exercise, prior to finalising the guidance. This talk will provide an overview of this work, which provides guidance on: forming an adaptation team; assessing the rationale for intervention and considering intervention-context fit; planning and undertaking adaptations; evaluating adapted interventions; implementing and maintaining adapted interventions at scale and reporting adapted interventions.