Bremen Colloquium Epidemiology - Public Health: Social inequalities in childhood cancer: key points from the WHO European report on childhood cancer inequalities in the WHO European Region
On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, PD Dr. Friederike Erdmann (IMBEI, University Medical Center Mainz) will give a lecture entitled
"Social inequalities in childhood cancer: key points from the WHO European report on childhood cancer inequalities in the WHO European Region".
Monitoring and tackling social inequalities in health has become one of the most important priorities for public health policy, not only in Europe but globally. Inequalities in health according to social conditions are regarded as unnecessary and unjust. Socioeconomic influences on health are significant at all ages, including childhood. Childhood cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases among children and a growing public health concern, with approximately 35,000 new cases diagnosed annually in children and adolescents in Europe and a steadily growing population of childhood cancer survivors.
The lecture will take place from 15:00 in room 1550 and as a Zoom meeting.
The lecture will be held in English.
Meeting-ID: 688 8037 1037
Identification code: 071712