Plenary session “Nutrition and physical activity policies - Benchmarking, best practice and potential“

The JPI-HDHL PEN project, coodinated by BIPS, organises in collaboration with the H2020 projects CO-CREATE and STOP and the Joint Action Best-ReMaP the symposium „Future directions for nutrition and physical activity policies to prevent NCDs across Europe” which will take place 14-16 June in Brussels. The core element of this symposium is the main plenary session which will bring together policymakers and experts working in nutrition and physical activity, to present and discuss recommendations for optimal policy implementation to promote healthy diets, physical activity and to reduce sedentary behaviour across Europe.

Main plenary session

"Nutrition and physical activity policies - Benchmarking, best practice and potential“

on Wednesday 15th June from 1:30 to 5:00 pm CEST

View the live session at

The schedule will include (subject to modifications):

13:30 Opening and start of live-streaming

13:40 Part I – Physical activity: Advances in physical activity/ sedentary behaviour policy research

  1. STOP - The effects of COVID-19 mitigation measures on childhood obesity and physical fitness
  2. CO-CREATE - The MOVING policy database: Understanding how physical activity is promoted across Europe
  3. PEN - The Official Launch of the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI): A monitoring framework to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment

14:40 Part II – Nutrition: Advances in food policy research

  1. The NOURISHING database: exploring diet-related policies implemented across Europe
  2. Business Impact Assessment on Obesity (BIA-Obesity). Case study from Belgium and France

15:00 Break

15:30 (Continued) Part II: Nutrition: Advances in food policy research

  1. Policy challenges and opportunities: ensuring sustainability of BEST-REMAP results by implementing a Food System Sustainability Indicator into the EU policy frameworks
  2. Priority recommendations to create healthy food environments in Europe: Next Steps

16:10 Panel views & discussion

Chair of panel: Caroline Costongs, EuroHealthNet Director


  1. Artur Furtado, European Comission, DG Sante, Luxemburg
  2. Dr Francesco Branca, Director of the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development in the World Health Organization, Geneva
  3. Dr Sirpa Sarlio-Lähteenkorva, Ministerial Advisor at Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Finland, and University of Helsinki
  4. Dr Roxane Berjaoui, Department of European and International Affairs, Directorate General for Health at the Ministry of Solidarity and Health France

17:00 End of plenary and live-streaming

Further details are available at the dedicated website at where updates or changes (if any) will be announced.