
570 results:
Search results 261 until 270 of 570
261. Living in Extremes - Learning from Extremes   13. Annual Meeting of the German Epidemiological Society in Bremen  
262. BIPS funding: Green light to seven more years of health research in the service of the people   [in German only:] Das Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie – BIPS in Bremen wird auch künftig gemeinsam durch den Bund und die Ländergemeinschaft gefördert. Das hat der…  
263. [BIPS Project] PRESENT - Primary prevention and health promotion reseach networks coodination   The objectives of the project are the joint coordination and publicity of the five BMBF-funded research networks on primary prevention and health promotion (HLCA, CAPITAL4HEALTH, PartKommPlus,…  
264. Registration  
URL: /en/pages/ifhs/registration.html
Date: 12-10-18
Registration for the instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents  
265. Childhood Nutrition: The "sugar-trick" backfires   Kennen das nicht alle: Einfach ein bisschen Zucker auf die frischen Erdbeeren oder den Naturjoghurt streuen und schon stürzt sich der Nachwuchs mit Heißhunger darauf? Bei vielen Eltern gilt dieser…  
267. [BIPS Project] PAS-study for Entresto® (sacubitril/valsartan)   Angiotensin II antagonists (e.g. valsartan, lorsartan) are substances that lower blood pressure and cause vasodilation by modulating the renin-angiotensin system. Besides hypertension, some…  
268. Bremen Colloquium Epidemiology - Public Health   Prof. Dr. Oliver Kuß (Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum) will give a lecture on "Propensity Score - Eine alternative Methode zur Analyse von Therapieeffekten" on January 10th, 2019. The…  
269. Terms of Use  
URL: /en/pages/ifhs/terms-of-use.html
Date: 14-01-19
Terms of use The content and design of the IDEFICS/I.Family instruments may not be used in any way for commercial purposes. In general, the use of items from the questionnaires or full instruments…  
270. Bremen Colloquium Epidemiology - Public Health   Kathryn Walton, PhD (University of Guelph) will give a lecture on "Exploring the dietary intake of children and adolescents: What roles do family functioning and parent perceptions play?"…  
Search results 261 until 270 of 570