
570 results:
Search results 301 until 310 of 570
301. Corona podcast with Lucia Reisch   We have to learn new habits in the corona pandemic. Often this doesn't happen through strict rules, but with small nudges, says behavioral scientist Lucia Reisch, Leibniz Chair at the Leibniz…  
302. IFHS  
URL: /en/pages/ifhs.html
Date: 29-04-20
303. [BIPS Project] Beyond prediction: Statistical inference with machine learning   Emmy Noether Junior Research Group: Beyond Prediction - Statistical Inference with Machine Learning The junior research group focusses on the development of statistical inference methods for…  
304. [BIPS Project] Primary prevention early in life: effects of the pro kind intervention in adolescence   The Pro Kind home visiting program for first-time socially disadvantaged mothers. Midwifes and social workers offer support to the mothers from pregnancy to the child's second birthday. The primary…  
305. [BIPS Project] NFDI4Health - Task Force COVID-19: Better understanding the COVID-19 outbreak and its consequences through integrated and harmonised research efforts   COVID-19 poses a major challenge to individuals and societies around the world. Lockdown efforts dramatically change social lives, economic prospects and health services. This creates a huge demand…  
306. [BIPS Project] Statistical modeling of covariate-varying networks   Statistical methods for network analysis play a key role for the description and understanding of complex systems. In molecular and genetic epidemiology, these methods are used, e.g., to investigate…  
307. [BIPS Project] Cross-generational adverse drug effects   The health of children can be affected by drugs taken by the mother during pregnancy, but taking drugs before pregnancy can also have an effect. This is already known for some drugs and there are…  
308. [BIPS Project] Framework for evidence-based interventions to promote health literacy in an occupational rehabilitation setting   A number of current studies indicate that substantial proportions of the population in Germany have low health literacy. This means that many people are not be able to search for, understand, and…  
309. [BIPS Project] National research data infrastructure for personal health data   Germany has accumulated a wealth of health-related personal data from well-designed cohort studies and health surveillance systems (healthy individuals) as well as clinical trials (patients) that are…  
310. [BIPS Project] PAS-study for romosozumab   European non-interventional post-authorization safety study related to romosozumab Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system that is associated with bone loss and changes in bone…  
Search results 301 until 310 of 570