
570 results:
Search results 51 until 60 of 570
51. [BIPS Project] Data competence center for the Bremen region. “HealthyPlanet": Satellite-based data of environmental factors and its impact on health and health behaviors and Citizen Science project “Guardians of the Hedgehogs”   Healthy Planet: Satellite-based data of environmental factors and their effects on health and health behaviors Environmental conditions impact our health through several exposures, such as air,…  
52. For a sustainable future: BIPS is getting a Photovoltaic Installation   A crane lifts panels onto the BIPS roof. In a leap towards a more sustainable future, the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS has commenced the installation of a photovoltaic system on the institute's roof.…  
53. Projects  
URL: /en/research/projects.html
Date: 06-11-23
Search via catchwords You may filter projects by the following criteria: Catchword 1 Catchword 2 Catchword 3 Look for whole words only All projects You can view a list of currently…  
54. Lifespan AI - successful kick-off meeting   [Translate to Englisch:] Das Team von Lifespan AI. The Lifespan AI project began its work back in June. Now all those involved were able to exchange ideas for the first time at a joint meeting.  
55. DataNord: A Data Competence Center for the Bremen Region   Numbers and the Slogan DataNord The University of Bremen, in close collaboration with the U Bremen Research Alliance and other partners, is establishing a data competence center for the entire region. The Federal Ministry of…  
56. [BIPS Project] Scientific and technical development of the DEVACHECK online platform for systematic planning and evaluation of health promotion and prevention interventions with a focus on physical activity   The platform has been available since the end of DEVACHECK 3.0 in April 2020. It is a free, user-friendly online platform designed to support practitioners in Germany in evaluating their projects and…  
57. Podcasts  
URL: /en/media/podcasts.html
Date: 24-10-23
58. Media  
URL: /en/media.html
Date: 19-10-23
Team Communication & Transfer Rasmus Cloes Public relations (Teamleader) Contact: Tel: +49 (0)421 218-56780 Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56761 Email: Teresa Alberts …  
59. Transfer path 9: Public relations   The press office of our Communications and Transfer Staff Office acts as the central point of contact for journalistic inquiries. It drafts and disseminates press releases, organizes and…  
60. Transfer path 8: Active citizen participation   This path includes public benefit-oriented projects in which citizens are involved in the development of research questions, in the research process itself, and in the development of solutions. The…  
Search results 51 until 60 of 570