Dr. Bianca Kollhorst

  • 2003-2008: studies mathematics/diploma, University Oldenburg
  • 2008: diploma mathematics
  • 2008-2010: statistician at SCIderm GmbH Hamburg
  • Since December 2010: BIPS: research associate
  • Since October 2015: Head of Statistical Modeling of Secondary and Registry Data unit

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    Selected BIPS-Publications

  • Articles with peer review

  • Pigeot I, Intemann T, Kollhorst B, Sax U, Ahrens W. FAIRifizierung von Real World Data für die Gesundheitsforschung - Ein Petitum für modernes Record Linkage. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 2024; (Epub 2022 Sep 28).
  • Haug U, Kollhorst B, Schink T, Thöne K, Dathe K, Schaefer C, Onken M. Investigating drug safety in pregnancy based on the German Pharmacoepidemiological Research Database (GePaRD): A proof-of-concept analysis on the association between valproate and spina bifida. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2023;32(2):148-157.
  • Kollhorst B, Reinders T, Grill S, Eberle A, Intemann T, Kieschke J, Meyer M, Nennecke A, Rathmann W, Pigeot I. Record linkage of claims and cancer registries data - Evaluation of a deterministic linkage approach based on indirect personal identifiers. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2022;31(12):1287-1293.
  • Pigeot I, Bongaerts B, Eberle A, Katalinic A, Kieschke J, Luttmann S, Meyer M, Nennecke A, Rathmann W, Stabenow R, Wilsdorf-Köhler H, Kollhorst B, Reinders T. Verknüpfung von Abrechnungsdaten gesetzlicher Krankenkassen mit Daten epidemiologischer Krebsregister: Länderspezifische Möglichkeiten und Limitationen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2022;65(5):615-623.
  • Börnhorst C, Reinders T, Rathmann W, Bongaerts B, Haug U, Didelez V, Kollhorst B. Avoiding time-related biases: A feasibility study on antidiabetic drugs and pancreatic cancer applying the parametric g-formula to a large German healthcare database. Clinical Epidemiology. 2021;(13):1027-1038.
  • March S, Antoni M, Kieschke J, Kollhorst B, Maier B, Müller G, Sariyar M, Schulz M, Swart E, Zeidler J, Hoffmann F. Quo vadis Datenlinkage in Deutschland? Eine erste Bestandsaufnahme. Das Gesundheitswesen. 2018;80(3):e20-e31.
  • Arfè A, Scotti L, Varas-Lorenzo C, Nicotra F, Zambon A, Kollhorst B, Schink T, Garbe E, Herings R, Straatman H, Schade R, Villa M, Lucchi S, Valkhoff VE, Romio S, Thiessard F, Schuemie M, Pariente A, Sturkenboom MCJM, Corrao G, on behalf of the SOS project consortium. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of heart failure in four European countries: Nested case-control study. The BMJ. 2016;354:i4857.
  • Douros A, Jobski K, Kollhorst B, Schink T, Garbe E. Risk of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients treated with epoetins or blood transfusions. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2016;82(3):839-848.
  • Enders D, Kollhorst B, Engel S, Linder R, Verheyen F, Pigeot I. Comparative risk for cardiovascular diseases of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors vs. sulfonylureas in combination with metformin: Results of a two-phase study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 2016;30(7):1339-1346.
  • Kollhorst B, Abrahamowicz M, Pigeot I. The proportion of all previous patients was a potential instrument for patients' actual prescriptions of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2016;69:96-106.
  • Schmedt N, Jobski K, Kollhorst B, Krappweis J, Schink T, Rüther E, Garbe E. Treatment patterns and characteristics of older antipsychotic users in Germany. International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2016;31(3):159-169.
  • Schmedt N, Kollhorst B, Enders D, Jobski K, Krappweis J, Garbe E, Schink T. Comparative risk of death in older adults treated with antipsychotics: A population-based cohort study. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016;26(9):1390-1400.
  • Jobski K, Kollhorst B, Schink T, Garbe E. The risk of opioid intoxications or related events and the effect of alcohol-related disorders: A retrospective cohort study in German patients treated with high-potency opioid analgesics. Drug Safety. 2015;38(9):811-822.
  • PhD-Theses

  • Kollhorst B. Controlling for unobserved confounders in observational studies using large health care databases by means of instrumental variables in time-to-event analysis. Bremen: Universität Bremen; 2017.
  • Presentations at scientific meetings/conferences

  • Kollhorst B, Abrahamowicz M, Pigeot I. Evaluation of the two-stage residual inclusion method for instrumental variable estimation in survival analysis: A simulation study. 32nd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE), 25-28 August 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Kollhorst B, Garbe E, Pigeot I. Application of instrumental variable analysis to administrative data of statutory health insurances: Potential and limitations. 60. Biometrisches Kolloquium der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (IBS-DR), 10.-13. März 2014, Bremen.
  • Kollhorst B, Schink T, Arfè A, Herings R, Lucchi S, Nicotra F, Romio S, Schade R, Schuemie M, Straatman H, Thiessard F, Valkhoff VE, Villa M, Varas-Lorenzo C, Sturkenboom MCJM, Garbe E. Risk of ischemic stroke associated with the use of individual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 28th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE), 23-26 August 2012, Barcelona, Spain. (Abstract published in: Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety. 2012;21(Suppl.3):180)
  • Presentations at scientific meetings/conferences (invited)

  • Pigeot I, Didelez V, Enders D, Kollhorst B. Nutzung von Sekundärdaten für die pharmakoepidemiologische Forschung: Lassen sich Limitationen der Daten durch moderne statistische Verfahren oder Datenlinkage ausgleichen? Epidemiologie-Seminar des Instituts für Medizinische Biometrie und Epidemiologie am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), 25. Juli 2017, Hamburg.
  • Posters at scientific meetings/conferences

  • Kollhorst B, Garbe E. Is the physician's preference a valid instrumental variable in the German Pharmacoepidemiological Research Database? 29th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE), 25-28 August 2013, Montreal, Canada.
  • Behr S, Kollhorst B, Dippel F-W, Garbe E. Identification of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in insurance claims data - Are problems caused by ambiguous ICD-10 codes? 28th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE), 23-26 August 2012, Barcelona, Spain. (Abstract published in: Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety. 2012;21(Suppl.3):396)

For further publications please follow this link:

The responsibility for the content of this page lies with Bianca Kollhorst.

Bianca Kollhorst


+49 (0)421 218-56-980