BIPS research aims to identify potential risk factors of diseases, to develop (primary) prevention programs, and to provide the research results to the general public. This can be reflected by three program areas:
- Program Area I: Prevention and Health Services Research
- Program Area II: Etiology and Methodological Research
- Program Area III: Strategy, Infrastructure and Service
Each project is assigned to exactly one program area. The list only includes those projects that are currently running or that ended less than five years ago.
I: Prevention and Health Services Research
- Activity promotion via schools
- Adaptation of VO2max estimation by maximum cycling ergospirometry in a NAKO subsample
- Adaption effectiveness study of the Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids programme in Germany
- Addiction prevention Berlin/Brandenburg
- Alcohol use in humanitarian settings: a programme of work to address alcohol and associated adversities among conflict-affected populations in Uganda and Ukraine (CHANGE)
- Assessing medical radiation exposure in the German National Cohort
- Benefits and use of digital tools for health promotion and prevention for older people: A scoping review
- Boosting the usability of the European Union mobile app for cancer prevention
- Community-based integration of a digital mental health intervention in Pakistan
- Counselling for alcohol problems during pregnancy
- Development of an online tool to support the systematic evaluation of intervention projects in prevention and health promotion
- Eating healthy made easy - Developing ways to support a healthy diet for people with mental disabilities in residential homes
- Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life
- Evaluation of "Bewegung in der Grundschule"
- Evaluation of the breast cancer mortality in the German Mammography Screening Program: Main study - 2nd part
- Evidence-based Public Health
- Focus groups on digital health literacy of digitally non-affine groups
- Framework for evidence-based interventions to promote health literacy in an occupational rehabilitation setting
- Further development, optimization and application of an algorithm for the detection of severe adverse drug reactions on the basis of claims data
- Health effects of cardiac fluoroscopy and modern radiotherapy in paediatrics
- Identification of evidence-based primary prevention measures to promote a healthy diet amongst daycare children in Bremen
- Joint Action for implementation of cancer screening programmes (EUCanScreen)
- Joint Action for the prevention of cancer and other non-communicable diseases (JA PreventNCD)
- Knowledge in nutrition of parents of Bremen preschoolers - Module 2
- Leibniz Living Lab - Gesundheitswerkstatt Osterholz
- Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health Bremen
- Mental health and gender: Development and evaluation of a digital intervention for health promotion among informal caregivers
- Monitoring of physical activity and promotion of physical activity - development of indicators for the prevention indicator system of the federal states
- PAS-study for eliglustat
- Physical activity and health equity: primary prevention for healthy ageing
- Pilot project for the cross-sectoral implementation of a comprehensive and quality-tested sports and exercise therapy for cancer
- Policy evaluation network - Public policies addressing health-related behaviours in Europe
- PRESENT - Primary prevention and health promotion reseach networks coodination
- Primary prevention early in life: effects of the pro kind intervention in adolescence
- Promoting healthy eating in the setting of municipal daycare centers - KiTa Bremen
- Promotion of healthy nutrition in day care facilities of the protestant church in Bremen
- Provision of advice on hygiene and nutrition for day-care centres of the Bremen Catholic Community Association
- Scientific and technical development of the DEVACHECK online platform for systematic planning and evaluation of health promotion and prevention interventions with a focus on physical activity
- Study to analyze regional differences in antibiotic prescriptions
- Superthyroidism: Health care overuse in thyroid diseases in Germany
- Survey of insured adults of digitization in healthcare
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of oncological care in Germany: rapid review
- The use of MS-medications in girls and women of childbearing age and during pregnancy in Germany
- Use of opioid-containing drugs in Germany
- Utilization of preventive services and socio-economic status in Germany exemplified by HPV vaccination (HPV-SES)
- Utilization of surveillance colonoscopy in Germany: Current status and future concepts (KOL-OPT)
- Women of childbearing age with inflammatory rheumatic disease: Characterizing patterns of care with a special focus on pregnancies
II: Etiology and Methodological Research
- Cross-departmental Center B: Data Science
- Association of black carbon particles and risk of pre-diabetes
- Beyond prediction: Statistical inference with machine learning
- Causal discovery for cohort data
- Colaborative Research Center 1320: Everyday activity science and engeineering
- Cross-generational adverse drug effects
- Data collection In the context of the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) in the State of Bremen
- Data competence center for the Bremen region. “HealthyPlanet": Satellite-based data of environmental factors and its impact on health and health behaviors and Citizen Science project “Guardians of the Hedgehogs”
- Determinants of eating behaviour in European children, adolescents and their parents - I.Family study
- Determinants of Physical Activities in Settings
- Development and evaluation of three-stage procedures for modeling exposure patterns in epidemiological studies
- Development of prescribing patterns for combined hormonal contraceptives in Germany after Dear Doctor Letters (Rote-Hand-Briefe) in December 2018 and September 2021
- Epidemiological methods and experiences in research projects on child and adolescent health
- Growing up healthy: Obesity prevention tailored to critical transition periods in the early life-course
- IDEFICS/I.Family Follow-up
- Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants - IDEFICS study
- Intrinsic radiation sensitivity: Identification of biological and epidemiological long-term effects; Subproject C with the case-control study ‘Cancer in childhood and molecular epidemiology’
- Lifespan AI: From longitudinal data to lifespan inference in health
- Linking cancer registry data and health insurance data: Investigation of the acceptance by cancer patients and of the potential to describe courses of therapy and to use AI for quality control (KUKUK)
- Medical scandal “Alte Apotheke Bottrop”: Comparative study on the prognosis of cancer patients
- PAS-study for alemtuzumab
- PAS-study for Brodalumab
- PAS-study for Entresto® (sacubitril/valsartan)
- PAS-study for galcanezumab
- PAS-study for Nocdurna® (desmopressin)
- PAS-study for romosozumab
- PAS-study for solriamfetol
- PAS-study for tralokinumab
- PAS-study for upadacitinib
- Prenatal and childhood immunization and the risk of childhood cancer
- Prescription behavior of HIV therapeutics in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy in Germany
- Prescription of teratogenic substances in women of childbearing age
- Record linkage of cancer registry data and multimodal, reporting-based diagnostic data for Al-based biomarker detection
- Research Training Group π³: Parameter identification - Analysis, algorithms, implementations
- Spatial-temporal analysis of small-scale determinants of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Standards and tools for data monitoring in observational studies
- Statistical modeling of covariate-varying networks
- Studying drug safety during pregnancy based on routine data in Germany
- The food metabolome as a novel concept to assess dietary exposures in children
- The intelligent digital guideline editor (IDEAL): applying causal inference to evidence generation using emulated clinical trials
- Use of carbimazole, thiamazole and propylthiouracil during pregnancy in Germany
- Use of combined oral contraceptives and risk of venous thromboembolism
- Use of parenteral Iron-(III)-products in Germany
- Use of routine data for pharmacovigilance in Germany: Method development and initial applications
- Utilization of drugs containing testosterone in Germany
- Wearable sensor assessment of physical and eating behaviours
- “INDEEP” - Intervention on the determinants of and expertise in physical activity behaviours
III: Strategy, Infrastructure and Service
- Cross-departmental Center A: Research Data Infrastructure
- Increased competencies for nutrition in Zanzibari health care
- National research data infrastructure for personal health data
- NFDI4Health - Task Force COVID-19: Better understanding the COVID-19 outbreak and its consequences through integrated and harmonised research efforts
- The German National Cohort - A prospective epidemiological study resource for health and disease research in Germany