Dr. Wiebke Hübner

  • since 03/2018 Research associate at the Leibniz-Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Bremen
  • 10/2013-03/2022 Doctorate at the University of Cologne in Social Sciences, title of dissertation: "The Interplay of Immigrant Integration and Naturalization".
  • 10/2013-09/2017 Doctoral fellow at the "SOCLIFE" Research Training Group, University of Cologne (stipend)
  • 10/2008-09/2013 Studies in Sociology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Degree: Master of Arts in Sociology

  • Health inequalities and their determinants
  • Health promotion among vulnerable groups
  • Diversity and gender inequity
  • Influence of political and institutional settings on healthcare access

  • Methods
  • Participatory approaches
  • Sequence Analysis
  • Multilevel modelling

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    Selected BIPS-Publications

  • Articles with peer review

  • Hübner W, Phillimore J, Bradby H, Brand T. Assessing the contribution of migration related policies to equity in access to healthcare in European countries: A multilevel analysis. Social Science & Medicine. 2023;321:115766.
  • Book chapters

  • Hübner W. Sensible und spezifische Ansätze zur Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. In: Spallek J, Zeeb H, editors. Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit. Bern: Hogrefe. 2021. S. 465-472.
  • Zeeb H, Hübner W, Spallek J. Migration und gesundheitliche Ungleichheit. In: Pundt J, Cacace M, editors. Diversität und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit. Bremen: Apollon University Press. 2019. S. 117-131.
  • PhD-Theses

  • Hübner W. The interplay of immigrant integration and naturalization. Köln: Universität zu Köln; 2022.

For further publications please follow this link:

  • Winter 2017/2018 Scientific research and methods, Course Social Work, Hochschule Bremen
  • Summer 2018 Social Sciences II, Course Social Work, Hochschule Bremen
  • Winter 2020 Guest lecture "Social inequality and health", module Health Sciences, Course Social Work, Hochschule Bremen

The responsibility for the content of this page lies with Wiebke Hübner.


+49 (0)421 218-56-918