
570 results:
Search results 41 until 50 of 570
41. [BIPS Project] Are children and adolescents with schizophrenia diagnosed early and treated optimally? - An investigation based on health claims data   Children and adolescents with schizophrenia are particularly impaired in their psychosocial development due to the early onset of the illness and achieve many important developmental steps (e.g.…  
42. [BIPS Project] Joint Action for the prevention of cancer and other non-communicable diseases (JA PreventNCD)   The initiative aims to promote the prevention of cancer and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Europe and to reduce the burden of these diseases. It focuses on effective political measures, as…  
43. [BIPS Project] Provision of advice on hygiene and nutrition for day-care centres of the Bremen Catholic Community Association for the year 2024   In the 12 daycare centers of the Catholic Community Association of Bremen, 776 children from the age of 1 until they start school are cared for, 176 of whom are under 1 year old. As part of the…  
44. BIPS Website  
URL: /en/index.html
Date: 19-12-23
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS Achterstraße 30 28359 Bremen Telephone: +49 (0) 421 218-56750 Fax: +49 (0) 421 218-56941 Email:  
45. COVID-19  
URL: /en/covid-19.html
Date: 19-12-23
An extraordinary time requires an extraordinary commitment. This is shown by the people who are currently shelving supermarkets, who risk their lives in emergency rooms or who drive trucks across…  
46. Model region for applied cancer prevention research in Bremen   Model region for applied cancer prevention research in Bremen For a long time, it has been known that at least 40 percent of cancer cases are due to modifiable risk factors such as smoking,…  
47. BIPS awarded again: Quality seal for family-friendly working culture   [Translate to Englisch:] Mutter und Tochter vor Laptop. We are proud to announce that BIPS has once again been awarded the audit berufundfamilie certificate. The award is a special recognition of our long-standing efforts to create a family-friendly…  
48. Biomarkers4Pediatrics  
URL: /en/biomarkers4pediatrics.html
Date: 11-12-23
Biomarkers4Pediatrics - International Multicohort Pediatric Biomarker Collaboration Biomarkers4Pediatrics is a recently established initiative that brings together international population-based…  
49. Conference of the "Healthy City Bremen" Research Cluster   Cyclists on the road. With the framework concept of the "Healthy City" in Europe (WHO European Healthy Cities Network) an international vision is available, which aims at the reduction of health inequalities, good…  
50. Data Train 2024 – Training program for doctoral candidates   Iris Pigeot in front of the BIPS. In 2024, the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA) offers once again the central training programme Data Train as an additional offer for doctoral students in order to meet the strong demand - in…  
Search results 41 until 50 of 570