Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot

Professor Iris Pigeot has been the director of the today’s Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS since March 2004 and has been in charge of the Department of Biometry and Data Management of the institute since September 2001.

Having finished her studies in statistics and sociology at the University of Dortmund in 1985, she worked as a scientific assistant, earned her doctorate with a dissertation on the topic “Estimators of common odds ratios in sparse contingency tables” in 1989, and earned a professorship for statistics with a post-doctoral dissertation entitled “Multiple tests in outlier detection” in 1993.

She was appointed as an assistant professor at the University of Dortmund and as a full professor at the University of Munich. She also held positions as a visiting lecturer and a visiting professor in Mainz, Zurich (Switzerland), Aalborg (Denmark), and Bern (Switzerland). In September 2001 she accepted a full professorship for “Statistics with a Focus on Biometry and Methods in Epidemiology” at the University of Bremen.

The research activities of Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot focused on use of secondary data in the research of pharmaceutical drug safety as well as primary prevention and its evaluation, especially of childhood obesity, graphical models, and genetic epidemiology. In recent years, she has widened the spectrum of her research to include digital public health as well as statistical and privacy issues related to data sharing, federated data analyses, record linkage and research data infrastructures. Among other things, she has been deputy spokesperson for NFDI4Health, the National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data, since 2020. As an interdisciplinary consortium of various institutions, NFDI4Health has set itself the goal of making clinical and epidemiological research data easier to find for the specialist community, taking into account data protection and ethical principles.

Since 2023 Prof. Dr. Pigeot is President-elect of the International Biometric Society and was appointed to be member of the Expert Council "Health and Resilience" by the Federal Government. She serves among others as a member of the supervisory board of the Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, as a member of the Review Board Medicine of the German Resarch Foundation, as a memeber of the Board of Trustees of the Bernhard nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM), as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Methematics (ITWM), as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine (MEVIS) and as an editor of the book series on Epidemiology and Public Health published by Springer.

She received several teaching awards: the “Medal for Excellent Teaching” from the University of Dortmund in 1994, the “Award for Quality Teaching” from the Friends of the University of Munich in 1996, and the “Berninghausen Award for Excellent Teaching and ist Innovation” by the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen (so-called unifreunde) in 2008. She was awarded the "Award for Outstanding Doctoral Supervision" for her professional and encouraging support of doctoral candidates in 2019. In 2010, the IBS-DR awarded her the Susanne-Dahms medal for special accomplishments in the field of biometry. The University of Rzeszów, Poland, awarded her together with Wolfgang Ahrens the University's Great Medal in 2020 for her services to the scientific and didactic development of the employees of the Medical Faculty.

  • Biometrical methods
  • Graphical models
  • Genetic epidemiology
  • Primary prevention and its evaluation, especially of childhood obesity
  • Use of secondary data in research of pharmaceutical drug safety
  • Digital public health
  • Statistical and privacy issues related to research data infrastructure

    Selected BIPS-Publications

  • Articles with peer review

  • Pigeot I, Intemann T, Kollhorst B, Sax U, Ahrens W. FAIRifizierung von Real World Data für die Gesundheitsforschung - Ein Petitum für modernes Record Linkage. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 2025; (Epub 2022 Sep 28).
  • Börnhorst C, Pigeot I, De Henauw S, Formisano A, Lissner L, Molnár D, Moreno LA, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Vrijkotte T, Didelez V, Wolters M, on behalf of the GrowH! consortium. The effects of hypothetical behavioral interventions on the 13-year incidence of overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2023;20:100.
  • Mehlig K, Foraita R, Nagrani R, Wright MN, De Henauw S, Molnár D, Moreno LA, Russo P, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Lissner L, Kaprio J, Pigeot I, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Genetic associations vary across the spectrum of fasting serum insulin: Results from the European IDEFICS/I.Family children's cohort. Diabetologia. 2023;66(10):1914-1924.
  • Näher A-F, Vorisek CN, Klopfenstein S, Lehne M, Thun S, Alsalamah S, Pujari S, Heider D, Ahrens W, Pigeot I, Marckmann G, Jenny M, Renard BY, von Kleist M, Wieler LH, Balzer F, Grabenhenrich L. Secondary data for global health digitalisation. The Lancet Digital Health. 2023;5(2):e93-e101.
  • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), in collaboration with Ahrens W, Pigeot I, Pohlabeln H, Rach S. Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents' growth and development. Nature. 2023;615(7954):874-883.
  • Platzbecker K, Müller-Fielitz H, Foraita R, Koepp MJ, Voss A, Pflock R, Linder R, Pigeot I, Schink T, Schwaninger M. In atrial fibrillation epilepsy risk differs between oral anticoagulants: Active comparator, nested case control study. Europace. 2023;25(5):euad087.
  • Bongaerts B, Kollhorst B, Kuß O, Pigeot I, Rathmann W. Dispensation patterns of glucose-lowering drugs in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: Routine data analysis of insurance claims in Germany. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes. 2022;130(9):587-595.
  • Kollhorst B, Reinders T, Grill S, Eberle A, Intemann T, Kieschke J, Meyer M, Nennecke A, Rathmann W, Pigeot I. Record linkage of claims and cancer registries data - Evaluation of a deterministic linkage approach based on indirect personal identifiers. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2022;31(12):1287-1293.
  • Peters A, on behalf of the GNC consortium, Greiser KH, Göttlicher S, Ahrens W, Albrecht M, Bamberg F, Bäringhausen T, Becher H, Berger K, Beule A, Boeing H, Bohn B, Bohnert K, Braun B, Brenner H, Bülow R, Castell S, Damms-Machado A, Dörr M, Ebert N, Ecker M, Emmel C, Fischer B, Franzke C-W, Gastell S, Giani G, Günther M, Günther K, Günther K-P, Haerting J, Haug U, Heid I, Heier M, Heinemeyer D, Hendel T, Herbolsheimer F, Hirsch J, Hoffmann W, Holleczek B, Hölling H, Hörlein A, Jöckel K-H, Kaaks R, Karch A, Karrasch S, Kartschmit N, Kauczor H-U, Keil T, Kemmling Y, Klee B, Klüppelholz B, Kluttig A, Kofink L, Köttgen A, Kraft D, Krause G, Kretz L, Krist L, Kühnisch J, Kuß O, Legath N, Lehnich A-T, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Linseisen J, Löffler M, Macdonald A, Maier-Hein K, Mangold N, Meinke-Franze C, Meisinger C, Melzer J, Mergarten B, Michels K, Mikolajczyk R, Moebus S, Mueller U, Nauck M, Niendorf T, Nikolaou K, Obi N, Ostrzinski S, Panreck L, Pigeot I, Pischon T, Pschibul-Thamm I, Rathmann W, Reineke A, Roloff S, Rujescu D, Rupf S, Sander O, Schikowski T, Schipf S, Schirmacher P, Schlett CL, Schmidt B, Schmidt G, Schmidt M, Schöne G, Schulz H, Schulze MB, Schweig A, Sedlmeier AM, Selder S, Six-Merker J, Sowade R, Stang A, Stegle O, Steindorf K, Stübs G, Swart E, Teismann H, Thiele I, Thierry S, Ueffing M, Völzke H, Waniek S, Weber A, Werner N, Wichmann H-E, Willich SN, Wirkner K, Wolf K, Wolff R, Zeeb H, Zinkhan M, Zschocke J. Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO). European Journal of Epidemiology. 2022;37(10):1107-1124.
  • Pigeot I, Bongaerts B, Eberle A, Katalinic A, Kieschke J, Luttmann S, Meyer M, Nennecke A, Rathmann W, Stabenow R, Wilsdorf-Köhler H, Kollhorst B, Reinders T. Verknüpfung von Abrechnungsdaten gesetzlicher Krankenkassen mit Daten epidemiologischer Krebsregister: Länderspezifische Möglichkeiten und Limitationen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2022;65(5):615-623.
  • Fluck J, Lindstädt B, Ahrens W, Beyan O, Buchner B, Darms J, Depping R, Dierkes J, Neuhausen H, Müller W, Zeeb H, Golebiewski M, Löffler M, Löbe M, Meineke F, Klammt S, Fröhlich H, Hahn H, Schulze MB, Pischon T, Nöthlings U, Sax U, Kusch H, Grabenhenrich L, Schmidt CO, Waltemath D, Semler S, Gehrke J, Kirsten T, Prasser F, Thun S, Wieler L, Pigeot I. NFDI4Health - Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für personenbezogene Gesundheitsdaten. Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement: Empfehlungen und Erfahrungsberichte für die Praxis von Forschungsdatenmanagerinnen und -managern. 2021;2:72-85.
  • Hörner T, Glöckner FO, Drechsler R, Pigeot I. Disziplinübergreifendes Modell zur Ausbildung von Forschungsdatenmanagement und Data Science Kompetenzen: "Data Train - Training in Research Data Management and Data Science". Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement: Empfehlungen und Erfahrungsberichte für die Praxis von Forschungsdatenmanagerinnen und -managern. 2021;3:56-69.
  • Hüls A, Wright MN, Bogl L-H, Kaprio J, Lissner L, Molnár D, Moreno LA, De Henauw S, Siani A, Veidebaum T, Ahrens W, Pigeot I, Foraita R. Polygenic risk for obesity and its interaction with lifestyle and sociodemographic factors in European children and adolescents. International Journal of Obesity. 2021;45(6):1321-1330.
  • Masip G, Foraita R, Silventoinen K, Adan R, Ahrens W, De Henauw S, Hebestreit A, Keski-Rahkonen A, Lissner L, Mehlig K, Molnár D, Moreno LA, Pigeot I, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Bogl L-H, Kaprio J, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. The temporal relationship between parental concern of overeating and childhood obesity considering genetic susceptibility: Longitudinal results from the IDEFICS/I.Family study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2021;18:139.
  • Mehlig K, Holmberg C, Bogl L-H, Erhardt E, Hadjigeorgiou C, Hebestreit A, Kaprio J, Lauria F, Michels N, Pigeot I, Reisch LA, Veidebaum T, Lissner L, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I.Family consortia. Weight status and BMI-related traits in adolescent friendship groups and role of sociodemographic factors: The European IDEFICS/I.Family cohort. Obesity Facts. 2021;14(1):121-130.
  • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), in collaboration with Ahrens W, Pigeot I, Pohlabeln H. Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight. eLife. 2021;10:e60060.
  • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), in collaboration with Ahrens W, Pigeot I. Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: A pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. The Lancet. 2021;398(10304):957-980.
  • Pigeot I, Kollhorst B, Didelez V. Nutzung von Sekundärdaten für die pharmakoepidemiologische Forschung - Machen wir das Beste draus! Das Gesundheitswesen. 2021;83(S 02):S69-S76.
  • Priesemann V, Meyer-Hermann M, Pigeot I, Schöbel A. Der Beitrag von epidemiologischen Modellen zur Beschreibung des Ausbruchsgeschehens der COVID-19-Pandemie. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2021;64(9):1058-1066.
  • Schmidt CO, Fluck J, Golebiewski M, Grabenhenrich L, Hahn H, Kirsten T, Klammt S, Löbe M, Sax U, Thun S, Pigeot I, on behalf of the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19. COVID-19-Forschungsdaten leichter zugänglich machen - Aufbau einer bundesweiten Informationsinfrastruktur. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2021;64(9):1084-1092.
  • Zeeb H, Ahrens W, Haug U, Grabenhenrich L, Pigeot I. Epidemiologische Ansätze zur Klärung wichtiger Forschungsfragen zu COVID-19 - Eine Übersicht. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2021;64(9):1076-1083.
  • Conference proceedings

  • Schmidt CO, Darms J, Shutsko A, Löbe M, Nagrani R, Seifert B, Lindstädt B, Golebiewski M, Koleva S, Bender T, Bauer CR, Sax U, Hu X, Lieser M, Junker V, Klopfenstein S, Zeleke A, Waltemath D, Pigeot I, Fluck J, on behalf of the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19. Facilitating study and item level browsing for clinical and epidemiological COVID-19 studies. In: Mantas J, Stoicu-Tivadar L, Chronaki C, Hasman A, Weber P, Gallos P, Crisan-Vida M, Zoulias E, Chirila OS, editors. Public Health and Informatics. Volume 281. Amsterdam: IOS Press. 2021. S. 794-798.
  • Articles without peer review

  • Ciesek S, Nassehi A, Priesemann V, Pigeot I, Prainsack B, Czypionka T, Schöbel A. Eine Perspektive ohne Auf und Ab. Die Zeit. 2021;8:33.
  • Schönfeld DH, Pigeot I, Scholz-Reiter B, on behalf of the U Bremen Research Alliance. Wie man eine Allianz baut. Wissenschaftsmanagement. 2021;1:1-6.
  • Guidelines and reports

  • Intemann T, Lettieri V, Kipker D-K, Kuntz A, Ahrens W, Pigeot I, Buchner B, Sax U. Informed Consent zum Record Linkage: Best Practice und Mustertexte. Köln 2023.
  • Editorships

  • Pigeot I, Gleich S, Grabenhenrich L. COVID-19 und Public Health: Epidemiologie. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz 64(9). Berlin: Springer. 2021.
  • Books

  • Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2019.
  • Fahrmeir L, Heumann C, Künstler R, Pigeot I, Tutz G. Statistik: Der Weg zur Datenanalyse. 8. Auflage. Heidelberg: Springer; 2016.
  • Ahrens W, Pigeot I, editors. Handbook of epidemiology. 2nd edition. New York: Springer; 2014.
  • Kreienbrock L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W. Epidemiologische Methoden. 5. Auflage. Berlin: Springer; 2012.
  • Moreno LA, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Epidemiology of obesity in children and adolescents - Prevalence and etiology. New York: Springer; 2011.
  • Caputo A, Fahrmeir L, Künstler R, Lang S, Pigeot I, Tutz G. Arbeitsbuch Statistik. 5. verbesserte Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2008.
  • Hauschke D, Steinijans V, Pigeot I. Bioequivalence studies in drug development - Methods and applications. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 2007.
  • Book chapters

  • Miller AB, Haug U. Screening. In: Ahrens W, Pigeot I, editors. Handbook of epidemiology. 3. Auflage. New York, USA: Springer. 2025.
  • Zeeb H, Merzenich H, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Radiation epidemiology. In: Ahrens W, Pigeot I, editors. Handbook of epidemiology. 3. Auflage. New York, USA: Springer. 2025.
  • Pigeot I, Fröhlich H, Intemann T, Prause G, Wright MN. KI und die Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für personenbezogene Gesundheitsdaten (NFDI4Health). In: Dössel O, Schäffter T, Rutert B, editors. Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin. Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2023. S. 62-74.
  • Pigeot I, Tahden M, Zampatis D, Watson DJ, Forssen U, Kollhorst B. Worldwide availability of pharmacoepidemiological databases. In: Sturkenboom MCJM, Schink T, editors. Databases for pharmacoepidemiological research. Cham: Springer. 2021. S. 15-53.
  • Presentations at scientific meetings/conferences

  • Börnhorst C, Pigeot I, De Henauw S, Formisano A, Lissner L, Molnár D, Moreno LA, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Vrijkotte T, Didelez V, Wolters M, on behalf of the GrowH! consortium. Hypothetical lifestyle interventions and their effects on overweight/obesity incidence in children and adolescents from vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), 14-17 June 2023, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Börnhorst C, Pigeot I, De Henauw S, Formisano A, Lissner L, Molnár D, Moreno LA, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Vrijkotte T, Wolters M, Didelez V, on behalf of the GrowH! consortium. Estimating the effects of hypothetical behavioral interventions on overweight/obesity incidence using observational data: Methodological challenges and practical considerations. 5th Conference of the Central European Network (CEN), 3-7 September 2023, online presentation.
  • Foraita R, Witte J, Börnhorst C, Pigeot I, Didelez V, on behalf of the I.Family and GrowH! consortia. A longitudinal causal graph analysis investigating modifiable risk factors and obesity in a European cohort of children and adolescents. 5th European Causal Inference Meeting (EuroCIM), 18-21 April 2023, Oslo, Norway.
  • Pigeot I. How to assess bioequivalence of two drugs? 5th Conference of the Central European Network (CEN), 3-7 September 2023, Basel, Switzerland.
  • Presentations at scientific meetings/conferences (invited)

  • Pigeot I. Die Arbeit von Ethikkommissionen: Heute und morgen. 9. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, 27.-28. März 2023, Berlin.
  • Pigeot I. Beratung in Krisen: Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung für den Bevölkerungsschutz. Fachkongress "Forschung für den Bevölkerungsschutz", 12.-14. Januar 2023, Bonn.
  • Pigeot I. Stoffwechselerkrankungen - Epidemiologie und Lebensstil. "Stoffwechsel aus dem Gleichgewicht: Zwischen Forschung und gesellschaftlicher Relevanz", Symposium der Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, 16. Juni 2023, Bonn.
  • Pigeot I. Sharing of sensitive health data - Two practical examples. G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI) Workshop on Recommendation II.20 "Promotion of Data Sharing," 25 March 2021, online presentation.
  • Pigeot I. Federated research data infrastructure for personal health data - Task Force COVID-19. InfraTalk von NFDI, 7. Juni 2021, Online-Vortrag.
  • Pigeot I. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und die Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für Gesundheitsdaten (NFDI4Health). Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Symposium "Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Medizin", 5. November 2021, Berlin.
  • Pigeot I. Open data in health sciences - Potentials and hurdles. 11th Annual Global TechMining Conference, 17-19 November 2021, online presentation.
  • Other presentations/speechs (invited)

  • Pigeot I. Das Potenzial von Daten: Forschen für ein gesundes Leben. Rotary Club Bremen-Roland, 4. August 2023, Bremen.

For further publications please follow this link:

  • Große Medaille der Universität Rzeszów
    Universität Rzeszów (2020)
    Verdiensten um die wissenschaftliche und didaktische Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter der medizinischen Fakultät
  • Preis für herausragende Promotionsbetreuung
    Universität Bremen (2019)
  • 1st Prize in Oral Communication Modality in the Area of Metabolism (W Ahrens, C Börnhorst, I Pigeot)
    European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) (2018)
    Vortrag "Trajectories of overweight and metabolic syndrome in the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort"
  • Nominiert für den L’Oréal-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science
    Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2015)
    Outstanding contribution to the general advancement of science
  • Nominiert für AcademiaNet
    Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2015)
  • Susanne-Dahms-Medaille
    Deutsche Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (IBS-DR) (2010)
    für außergewöhnliches Engagement um die Belange der Biometrie
  • Berninghausen-Preis für ausgezeichnete Lehre
    Freunde der Universität Bremen

Study course Mathematics (B.Sc., M.Sc.)
  • Estimation and testing
  • Advanced lectures on nonparametric statistics, multiple testing, multivariate statistics or graphical models

Study course Medical Biometry/Biostatistics (M.Sc.)
  • Lectures on statistical modeling (e.g. regression analysis)
  • Seminar on epidemiology

The responsibility for the content of this page lies with Iris Pigeot.

Iris Pigeot


+49 (0)421 218-56-942