Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb

Prof. Hajo Zeeb took over the Department of Prevention and Evaluation at the BIPS in January 2010.

He graduated from the RWTH Aachen in Germany where he also wrote his medical dissertation. After several years of clinical medical practice in Germany and the UK, he worked as a medical officer in Northern Namibia. Returning to Germany, he obtained a Masters Degree in Public Health from Heidelberg University and worked as epidemiologist for the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ Heidelberg) and then from 1999-2005 at the University of Bielefeld, School of Public Health. There he was involved in various epidemiological studies and taught in the Public Health and Epidemiology degree courses, in particular the MSc Epidemiology.

In 2005 Dr.Zeeb joined the Department of Public Health and Environment of the World Health Organization in Geneva, working mainly on issues related to environmental radiation. He then took over a post as Professor of Epidemiology at the Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, University Medical Center, Mainz University, before coming to Bremen in 2010.

Prof. Zeeb is an active member of several international and national scientific organisations (e.g. IEA, DGEpi), as well as the German Radiation Protection Commission (SSK) and various SSK working groups, since 2021 he is a Member of SSK. Also since 2021 he is a member of the scientific advisory board of the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine and a current member of the German UNSCEAR delegation. From 2024 to 2026 he is Chair of the German Public Health Association.

Hajo Zeeb is Co-Speaker of the high-profile research area “Health Sciences” of the University of Bremen. As speaker of the board of directors he heads the Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health Bremen since 2019.

  • Current publication list by Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb.
  • Selected BIPS-Publications

  • Articles with peer review

  • Beckert J, Zeeb H, De Santis KK. Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tool (DPET): Adaptation and psychometric evaluation for nurses in Germany. Pflege. 2024;37(2):79-87.
  • Dratva J, Schaeffer D, Zeeb H. Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz der Bevölkerung in Deutschland: Aktueller Stand, Konzepte und Herausforderungen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2024;67(3):277-284.
  • Zeeb H, Schüz B, Schultz T, Pigeot I. Entwicklungen in der Digitalisierung von Public Health seit 2020: Beispiele aus dem Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Digital Public Health Bremen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2024;67(3):260-267.
  • De Santis KK, Helmer S, Barnes B, Kraywinkel K, Imhoff M, Müller-Eberstein R, Kirstein M, Quatmann A, Simke J, Stiens L, Christianson L, Zeeb H. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on oncological care in Germany: Rapid review. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2023;149(15):14329-14340.
  • Rahu K, Rahu M, Auvinen A, Zeeb H, Boice JDJ. Cancer incidence among Chernobyl cleanup workers from Estonia: A 34-year follow-up. International Journal of Cancer. 2023;153(7):1347-1355.
  • Schwedhelm C, Nimptsch K, Ahrens W, Hasselhorn H, Jöckel K-H, Katzke V, Kluttig A, Linkohr B, Mikolajczyk R, Nöthlings U, Perrar I, Peters A, Schmidt CO, Schmidt B, Schulze MB, Stang A, Zeeb H, Pischon T. Chronic disease outcome metadata from German observational studies - Public availability and FAIR principles. Scientific Data. 2023;10:868.
  • Lobczowska K, Banik A, Brukalo K, Forberger S, Kubiak T, Romaniuk P, Scheidmeir M, Scheller D, Steinacker J, Wendt J, Wieczorowska-Tobis K, Bekker MPM, Zeeb H, Luszczynska A. Meta-review of implementation determinants for policies promoting healthy diet and physically active lifestyle: Application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Implementation Science. 2022;17:2.
  • Peters M, Zeeb H. Availability of open data for spatial public health research. GMS German Medical Science. 2022;20:Doc01.
  • Ahmad F, Khan Z, Siddiqi K, Khan MN, Kibiria Z, Forberger S, Bauld L, Kanaan M, Zeeb H. Awareness, perceptions of and compliance with tobacco control policies among Naswar vendors in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Tobacco Control. 2021;31:e111-e117.
  • Letters

  • Wildner M, Wieler LH, Zeeb H, on behalf of the standing committee of the Future Forum Public Health. Germany’s expanding role in global health. The Lancet. 2018;391(10121):657.
  • Editorials

  • Zeeb H, Pigeot I, Schüz B. Digitale Public Health - Welche Voraussetzungen sind notwendig, um Versprechen und Potenziale einzulösen? Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2024;67(3):257-259.
  • Position papers

  • Priesemann V, Bodenschatz E, Ciesek S, Grill E, Iftekhar EN, Karagiannidis C, Karch A, Kretzschmar M, Lange B, Müller SA, Nagel K, Nassehi A, Pletz MW, Prainsack B, Protzer U, Sander LE, Schöbel A, Schuppert A, Überla K, Watzl C, Zeeb H. Nachhaltige Strategien gegen die COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland im Winter 2021/2022. 2021.
  • Priesemann V, Grill E, Iftekhar E, Karagiannidis C, Karch A, Kretzschmar M, Lange B, Nagel K, Nassehi A, Pletz M, Protzer U, Schöbel A, Schuppert A, Überla K, Zeeb H. Maßnahmen zur vierten COVID-19-Welle und zur neuen SARS-Coronavirus-Variante "Omikron". 2021.
  • Editorships

  • Zeeb H, Pigeot I, Schüz B. Digitale bevölkerungsbezogene Gesundheit in Deutschland - Beispiele aus der Forschung im Leibniz Wissenschafts-Campus Digital Public Health. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz 67(3). Berlin: Springer. 2024.
  • Books

  • Spallek J, Zeeb H, editors. Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit. Bern: Hogrefe; 2021.
  • Book chapters

  • Zeeb H, Merzenich H, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Radiation epidemiology. In: Ahrens W, Pigeot I, editors. Handbook of epidemiology. 3. Auflage. New York, USA: Springer. 2025.
  • Zeeb H, Stronks K, Agyemang C, Spallek J. Epidemiological studies on migrant health. In: Ahrens W, Pigeot I, editors. Handbook of epidemiology. 3. Auflage. New York, USA: Springer. 2025.
  • Zeeb H. Nicht-genetische Einflussfaktoren des Krebsrisikos. In: Schmoll H-J, editors. Kompendium internistische Onkologie. 5. Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 2022.
  • Zeeb H, Giersiepen K. Primäre, sekundäre und tertiäre Prävention von Krebserkrankungen: Grundlagen und Prinzipien. In: Schmoll H-J, editors. Kompendium internistische Onkologie. 5. Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 2022.
  • Kristjanson D, Zeeb H. Screening von Kopf-Hals Tumoren. In: Schmoll H-J, editors. Kompendium internistische Onkologie. 5. Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 2021.
  • Zeeb H, Dreger S, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. Flugreisen, Strahlung und Gesundheit. In: Hausen BM, Brinkmann J, Dohn W, editors. Lexikon der Kontaktallergene. 57. Aktualisierung. Landsberg am Lech: ecomed Medizin. 2021.

For further publications please follow this link:

Master of Epidemiology, University of Bremen
BIPS Doctoral Program
Contribution to teaching programs in different universities

The responsibility for the content of this page lies with Hajo Zeeb.

Hajo Zeeb


+49 (0)421 218-56-902