Applied Health Intervention Research Unit
The interdisciplinary Applied Intervention Research Unit is concerned with the development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of interventions for health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases and their risk factors.
The aim of the research unit is to develop, evaluate and implement innovative and evidence-based interventions for health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases and their risk factors in order to contribute to the evidence-based prevention research of the BIPS.
The research of the unit focusses mainly on the following topics:
- Physical activity and fitness
- Diet
- Mental health.
The target groups often concern children, young people, older adults and stakeholders. A specific focus is set on complex public health interventions and settings-based approaches to improving population health, including digital interventions. The group uses quantitative and qualitative methodologies and also conducts reviews with the aim of strengthening the evidence base of public health interventions. Participatory, approaches are becoming increasingly important in the research unit.
The qualifications within the research unit are diverse (public health, health sciences, psychology, sports sciences, geography, nutritional sciences) and the close cooperation with other departments at BIPS enables research projects to be conducted with interdisciplinary expertise. There is also close cooperation in the field of physical activity with the interdepartmental working group PAR.
It is of importance for the research unit that the research can be of direct, practical benefit to the population. In addition to science communication, the research unit has a long-standing tradition in the development and implementation of concepts with a focus on nutrition and health. Members of the research unit provide advice to institutions nationally, particularly day-care centers, on questions of nutrition and hygiene. In this context, consultations, trainings and seminars (internal, external) are offered as well as various information materials have been prepared.
Selected Publications
- Atens-Kahlenberg Wv, Döring A, Horn A, Meyer-Radmacher U, Sarbak C, Schmohel K, Siegert S. Gesund und frisch auf den Tisch: Qualitätsstandards und Empfehlungen für die Verpflegung von Kindern in den Tageseinrichtungen der Bremischen Ev. Kirche. Bremen 2023.
- Bücking B, Bunzendahl I, Rohmann K, Schäfer S. Ernährungsstandard für den Fachbereich Wohnen der Lebenshilfe Bremen: Ein Leitfaden für Mitarbeitende. Bremen 2023.
- Sell L, Brandes M, Brandes B, Zeeb H, Busse H. Determinants promoting and hindering physical activity in primary school children in Germany: A qualitative study with students, teachers and parents. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1280893. - Wijekoon Mudiyanselage KW, De Santis KK, Jörg F, Saleem M, Stewart R, Zeeb H, Busse H. The effectiveness of mental health interventions involving non-specialists and digital technology in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. BMC Public Health. 2024;24:77. - De Santis KK, Kirstein M, Kien C, Griebler U, McCrabb S, Jahnel T. Online dissemination of Cochrane reviews on digital health technologies: A cross-sectional study. Systematic Reviews. 2024;13:133. - Zeeb H, Brandes M, Bauer U, Forberger S, Gelius P, Müllmann S, Okan O, Pfeifer K, Renner B, Wright M. Perspektivpapier "Zukunft Präventionsforschung": Koordinierte Forschung zu Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung - Aktuell und in der Zukunft. Das Gesundheitswesen. 2023;85(4):388-394. - Brandes B, Sell L, Buck C, Busse H, Zeeb H, Brandes M. Use of a toolbox of tailored evidence-based interventions to improve children's physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in primary schools: Results of the ACTIPROS cluster-randomized feasibility trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2023;20:99. - De Santis KK, Helmer S, Barnes B, Kraywinkel K, Imhoff M, Müller-Eberstein R, Kirstein M, Quatmann A, Simke J, Stiens L, Christianson L, Zeeb H. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on oncological care in Germany: Rapid review. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2023;149(15):14329-14340. - Brandes M, Brandes B, Sell L, Sacheck JM, Chinapaw M, Lubans DR, Woll A, Schipperijn J, Jago R, Busse H. How to select interventions for promoting physical activity in schools? Combining preferences of stakeholders and scientists. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2023;20:48. - De Santis KK, Mergenthal L, Christianson L, Busskamp A, Vonstein C, Zeeb H. Digital technologies for health promotion and disease prevention in older people: Scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2023;25:e43542. - Szinay D, Forbes CC, Busse H, DeSmet A, Smit ES, König LM. Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review. Obesity Reviews. 2023;24(3):e13542. - Brandes B, Busse H, Sell L, Christianson L, Brandes M. A scoping review on characteristics of school-based interventions to promote physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness among 6- to 10-year-old children. Preventive Medicine. 2022;155:106920. - De Santis KK, Lorenz RC, Lakeberg M, Matthias K. The application of AMSTAR2 in 32 overviews of systematic reviews of interventions for mental and behavioural disorders: A cross-sectional study. Research Synthesis Methods. 2022;13(4):424-433. - De Santis KK, Jahnel T, Matthias K, Mergenthal L, Al Khayyal H, Zeeb H. Evaluation of digital interventions for physical activity promotion: Scoping review. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2022;8(5):e37820. - Busse H, Buck C, Stock C, Zeeb H, Pischke CR, Matos Fialho PM, Wendt C, Helmer S. Engagement in health risk behaviours before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in German university students: Results of a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(4):1410. - Saleem M, Kühne L, De Santis KK, Christianson L, Brand T, Busse H. Understanding engagement strategies in digital interventions for mental health promotion: Scoping review. JMIR Mental Health. 2021;8(12):e30000. - Wichmann F, Brandes M, Jahn I, Müllmann S, Peters M, Pischke CR, Zeeb H. DEVASYS - Entwicklung eines Online-Tools zur Unterstützung der systematischen Evaluation von Interventionsprojekten der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. Das Gesundheitswesen. 2020;82(12):1010-1017. - Wichmann F, Pischke CR, Jürgens D, Darmann-Finck I, Koppelin F, Lippke S, Pauls A, Peters M, Voelcker-Rehage C, Müllmann S. Requirements for (web-based) physical activity interventions targeting adults above the age of 65 years - Qualitative results regarding acceptance and needs of participants and non-participants. BMC Public Health. 2020;20:907. - Müllmann S, Buck C, Voelcker-Rehage C, Bragina I, Lippke S, Meyer J, Peters M, Pischke CR. Effects of two web-based interventions promoting physical activity among older adults compared to a delayed intervention control group in Northwestern Germany: Results of the PROMOTE community-based intervention trial. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2019;15:100958. - Steenbock B, Wright MN, Wirsik N, Brandes M. Accelerometry-based prediction of energy expenditure in preschoolers. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour. 2019;2(2):94-102. - Steenbock B, Buck C, Zeeb H, Rach S, Pischke CR. Impact of the intervention program "JolinchenKids - Fit and Healthy in Daycare" on energy balance related-behaviors: Results of a cluster controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics. 2019;19:432. - Brandes M, Steenbock B, Wirsik N. Energy cost of common physical activities in preschoolers. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 2018;15(4):233-238. - Busse H, Samkange-Zeeb F, Moore G. Editorial: Socioeconomic status and health in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022;10:1042331. - Bücking B. Hülsenfrüchte als Fleischalternative. In: Behr's Verlag, editors. Behr's Jahrbuch 2023 Gemeinschaftsgastronomie. 7. Hamburg: Behr's Verlag. 2022. S. 1-9.
- Bücking B. Nachhaltige Ernährung in der Seniorenverpflegung. In: Lüttig J, editors. Ernährung von Senioren und Pflegebedürftigen. 71. Aktualisierungslieferung. Hamburg: Behr's Verlag. 2021. S. 1-14.
Guidelines and reports
Articles with peer review
Book chapters
Current Projects
Only currently running projects or those where publications are still in preparation or those that ended less than a year ago will be shown. The entries are sorted alphabetically.
- Activity promotion via schools
- Adaptation of VO2max estimation by maximum cycling ergospirometry in a NAKO subsample
- Adaption effectiveness study of the Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids programme in Germany
- Assessing medical radiation exposure in the German National Cohort
- Evidence-based Public Health
- Growing up healthy: Obesity prevention tailored to critical transition periods in the early life-course
- Health effects of cardiac fluoroscopy and modern radiotherapy in paediatrics
- Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants - IDEFICS study
- Identification of evidence-based primary prevention measures to promote a healthy diet amongst daycare children in Bremen
- Leibniz Living Lab - Gesundheitswerkstatt Osterholz
- Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health Bremen
- Pilot project for the cross-sectoral implementation of a comprehensive and quality-tested sports and exercise therapy for cancer
- Promoting healthy eating in the setting of municipal daycare centers - KiTa Bremen
- Promotion of healthy nutrition in day care facilities of the protestant church in Bremen
- Provision of advice on hygiene and nutrition for day-care centres of the Bremen Catholic Community Association
- Scientific and technical development of the DEVACHECK online platform for systematic planning and evaluation of health promotion and prevention interventions with a focus on physical activity
Atens-Kahlenberg, Wiebke von
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56910
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941
Brandes, Mirko, PD Dr.
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56905
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941
Bücking, Brigitte
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56909
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941
Busse, Heide, Dr.
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56912
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941
De Santis, Karina Karolina, Dr.
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56908
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941
Gill, Sehajpreet
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56903
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941
Meuer, Janina
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56916
Sell, Louisa
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-56787
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941
Heide Busse
Head of Unit
Dr. phil. Heide Busse
Tel: +49 (0)421 218-56912
Fax: +49 (0)421 218-56941